Have you ever wondered how Cloverfields got its start? From excerpts in the first Cloverfields News, Cloverfields was originally started in 1959 by David M. Nichols and Company, a realtor from Baltimore. In the summer of 1961, with rumors of the Nichols company going bankrupt, a group of lot owners formed the Cloverfields Improvement Association and incorporated it under the Laws of Maryland on September 12, 1961.
If you would like to learn more about those first days of Cloverfields, please open the pdf below labeled, Cloverfield News. It is the first issue of the Cloverfields News from 1968. It contains some history about our neighborhood, issues from the day, and pictures of Cloverfields with dirt roads! It's also interesting to note that many issues from 1968 are still concerns of ours in 2011, such as dues, expenditures, and development.
If you have more information on the history of Cloverfields, such as old newsletters, photos, or other history from our area, please email us so we can expand the historical information of our neighborhood.